Dogs know that smile on your face – Science Daily, USA
Dogs Can Tell Happy or Angry Human Faces – Scientific American, USA
Dogs CAN tell the difference between our happy and angry faces – and here’s proof – Mirror News, UK
If you’re happy and you know it…so does your dog – Global News, Canada
Your Dog loves Happiness on your Face – The Hindu, India
Hunde koennen menschliche Gesichtsausdrücke lesen – Spiegel Wissenschaft, Deutschland
Hunde koennen menschliche Mimik unterscheiden – Focus Wissen, Deutschland
Hunde erkennen wenn wir wütend sind – 20 Minuten, Schweiz
Hunde lesen in unseren Gesichtern – Der Standard, Österreich
Hunde kender forskel pa menneskers humor – Videnskab, Denmark
Il tuo cane sa come stai – National Geographic Italia
狗兒分辨人類喜怒 半張臉就看得出來 – Chinese Daily
研究:科學首度證明 狗能秒懂人類的喜怒情緒 – Ettoday, Taiwan
Then, in 2016 there was excitement about the follow-up study “Dogs recognize dog and human emotions” ( carried out in Lincoln. It could be shown that dogs can combine emotional information of different sense, namely vision and hearing, showing that dogs have a mental representation of positive and negative emotional states.
A man’s best friend: Study shows dogs can recognize human emotions – Science Daily, USA
Dogs can read human emotions, study finds – The Telegraph, UK
How does your dogs’s range of emotion compare to yours? – The Forbes, USA
Another interesting study with media echo was conducted in Lincoln in 2017. The study with the titel “Mouth-licking by dogs as a response to emotional stimuli” ( could show that dogs respond with mouth-licking upon looking at angry human faces, suggesting that they not only have a functional understanding of the emotional state displayed but also that dogs use the visual display of mouth-licking to possibly facilitate dog-human communication.
Dogs mouth-lick to communicate with angry humans – Science Daily, USA