Paw Preference & Personality in Dogs
We are still searching for dog owners, who ask themselves: Is my dog right or left handed? What does that tell me about my dog’s personality?
Not only people are left- or right-handed! Dogs also show preferences in the use of their paws! Moreover, individual paw preference seems to be related to differences in traits like aggressiveness, playfulness and sociability.
In our study we are investigating the possible link between paw preference and personality traits in dogs. Such a correlation can help to better assess the personality of dogs and thus help to to improve the daily handling and understanding of dogs or for example increase the chance of shelter dogs to find their right owner.
We have developed an online questionnaire to investigate a possible link between paw preference, impulsiveness, frustratability and fear in dogs. The questionnaire contains a personality test and instructions (including video tutorials) for small experiments to easily determine your dog’s paw preference at home.
Find the study here:
IMPORTANT: We were struggling with technical issues in the beginning but are confident that those issues have been solved. Thank to everyone who already participated in the survey. Thanks also to everyone who gave valueable comments and hints helping us to further improve this survey, creating a better experience. For all those who have already started the survey and did not know how to return to the questionnaire, please have another go.
NOTE: You don’t have to fill out the questionnaire in one go! Second remark: To return to your questionnaire after a break, just click on the survey link again! However, this will work only, when you use the same device and web browser and if you allow cookies!